Oil spill response
Oil spill response
Safety and care for the environment are integral principles in our operation. They are also essential preconditions for the continuous and effective operation of the port. Our service includes both preventive action to prevent the risk of pollution, as well as the immediate response to pollution if that has occurred.
Our employees are professionally trained in oil spill response management. In cooperation with the Port Police and the Harbour Master, we ensure the clearance of accident pollution on water 24/7.
For the clearance of oil spills, we use specialized equipment – absorbents, booms, and other tools for pollutant collection. For provision of service on water we use specialized vessel FLORA-1.
In case of an emergency, we involve other LVR Fleet vessels if necessary to:
- participate in fire-fighting;
- participate in rescue operations;
- participate in the clearance of oil spills in the water area of the Freeport of Riga.